Thank you so much for telling me! that is so weird... and for a lot of other people the downloadable version works perfectly and the browser version is broken. ill look into this!
Loved the game! it was extremely fun! found a small bug where you can basically get an infinite amount of money from the repairs by going back and fourth between the screens, as some of the cracks seem to reappear. Other then that i had no issues, great game!
Aw thanks!! im so happy it worked for you and that you enjoyed it!
I think if I were to do more with this game, it would probably just be adding more content to it. But I have several other cool games I am excited to finish and release!!
Aw this comment made my day!! I am so happy you enjoyed it!
Don't worry, Adipocere is still happening! I just want to put extra time into its development to make sure its an enjoyable and good game. I am so glad you are still interested!!
dang im sorry its not working for you :( do you mind if I ask a couple of questions about it? did you try to play from the browser or the downloadable version? if from the browser, which browser are you using? and if from the downloadable version, which of the two versions (Windows or Mac)? and the game wont load up anything at all, just a black screen? does it play music?
i am really sorry to hear about this, but thank you so much for telling me. it honestly sounds like a bug i encountered with the newer version a while ago, but you shouldn't be experiencing this with the current version.
while i try to figure out what what this issue is, I would recommend trying to play the browser version with a different browser other than Opera GX, maybe chrome? I dont know if that would fix the issue, but it might be worth a try if you really wanted to play the game. again, i am very sorry that its not working for you 😥
i found the little secret but i don't wanna spoil it for anyone but here's a picture... so far i haven't seen anyone on YT find it either. (UPD: downloading the game doesn't run well for me, must be an issue on my end but it runs well if i just run it off the page)
wow i think you are the first person to find this lol good job!! also that is weird that the browser version works for you but the downloaded version doesn't, thank you for telling me about it and I'm glad you were able to play it just fine!
I wanna play the game but I can't download it because my chromebook expired in 2018, and if I use the web version it takes forever to load. Can you help me? Also, the game has an error and says that i don't have the godot items to play the game. Anyways that is enough of my yapping. bye
I attempted to open the 'Mudmyth Sound (Application)' and it says that the file [shown in picture] is "damaged" [Corrupted, not correctly downloaded/transferred over to the pc], and the Mudmyth Terminal script kinda just.. quits itself after a few seconds of being open [shown in second picture]. 1. 2.
Thanks for attempting to make it compatible for Mac users! [Unless its just my mac and it has a skill issue].
dang it. i don't believe you are the first person to try playing it from a mac, but you are the first person to tell me whether it works or not (in this case, not). i was worried something like this would happen 😥i will look further into this and see what i can do to get it working. thank you so much for telling me about this!
Hello!! My name is Demonic. I'm a big fan of your work and I recently went to play your game!! Though, I came across a glitch few minutes ago. Around level 5, I bought the strongest light that was possible at the shop. Everything was fine until level 9 started. The light went extremely bright and I couldn't move this part of the map (Image down below). This would go on for quite a while and it is quite annoying. Other than this bug, I really enjoy the game!! I'll play it more eventually :)
that is very strange 🤔 this is the first time i have seen this one! I will look into this and see if I can get it fixed, thank you so much for telling me about it!! Im glad you were enjoying the game, even with all the bugs. You are awesome!
I need help. I am a wuss and I need to know what level is it that the monsters attack the player, day or night. And also what level is it when you have to fix the boat at night
its okay! not including the caterpillar in the tutorial, the monsters wont come to attack you until after level 5, and the night time part of the game starts at level 5 and goes until level 10 😁I hope this helps and you get to try it out!
ohhh phew, I just thought I had a massive skill issue! i'm going to steel my nerves and come back to this game since the mannequin in lvl 2 freaked me out so much
I watched your video and played the game, it is all just incredibly good and well done and i hope your depression can heal or if you can find help.
But what i wanted to say is that i think that you could do a sequel or if a sequel just doesn't fit which i totally understand you could maybe do a similar kind of game, and in that game you could include some of the artwork that you didn't use for this one, i really liked some of that unused artwork and i loved the game and the video, keep up this great work.
I know that i already wrote this message but i realised that i replied on a comment instead of doing a comment myself.
Thank you so much for the comments, the compliments, and the well wishes ❤ you are awesome! I've had quite a few people show interest in a sequel. to be honest I don't think I would make a sequel to this game per se, but instead what I might do is after fixing some of the buggy game mechanics, i could change the gameplay up a little, add some new things to the game, add new monsters, maybe add a new game mode or two, then publish that as an extended version.
I just want you to know that without comments like these, I would never even consider making any kind of sequel to this game, so thank you so much for telling me this!
I watched your video and played the game, it is all just incredibly good and well done and i hope your depression can heal or if you can find help.
But what i wanted to say is that i think that you could do a sequel or if a sequel just doesn't fit which i totally understand you could maybe do a similar kind of game, and in that game you could include some of the artwork that you didn't use for this one, i loved the game and the video, keep up this great work.
I wanted to say how I was able to play through the entire game this time round and I got the "no lore, lore page" and was quite annoyed at that but found it funny lol
I played it on the browser again and it functioned nearly perfectly the only thing I noticed was when you break the mannequin it freezes the game quite a lot but then it goes back to normal.
I also found a bug where if you jump into the BOW staircase and the grabby hand is above you it makes mike disappear but you don't go anywhere and it soft locks the game.
I know this is an older version so this is probably irrelevant but figured I'd say something incase it becomes an issue in later versions or something.
Main thing though is im glad I could come back and finish the game!
I am so glad you were able to come back and finish the game as well! I'm sorry I had to return it back to an earlier version to get it to work properly for you, hopefully I can figure out what was messing up the newest version.
I don't know if I mentioned this already, but if you wanted to see/read all the different potential randomized endings, you can find them on a post I made to my YouTube channel, here is a link to the page with the post on it:
Also, the downloadable version is the newer version with the endings, so If you can get the downloadable version to work, then you should be able to get the endings that way.
Thank you so much for taking the time to return to this game and give it another chance! You are awesome!
Suggestion: make the downloads able to be used by mac users [.dmg]
In the title screen if I press W it crashes as if I'm taking out the lamp, along with taking out the lamp in the tutorial it crashes [I am on opera]. If I go into the hull in the tut it crashes.
I was able to go to the part that wasn't 'The Beginning' [The Rest] without even getting past the tutorial.
Dang I am really sorry that the game isn't working. I will see if I can make a downloadable version for mac. I have been told by others that the web version for opera has issues, I think I will include that in the description. Thank you so much for letting me know about this, again I am sorry that you had a less than positive experience with it :(
I really enjoyed this game! I saw the video you made on it a few months ago and finally decided to Play/make a video on it!
I played through the browser because I couldn't get the either of the downloads to work sadly.
I had No issues playing it until levels 8-9 It started lagging very badly and every time I would repair something it would make the lagging worse.
Eventually the game froze and wouldn't work towards me finishing up level 9 so I never got to level 10 but I assume it would've been the same issues on that level as well.
Kind of sad I never got to see an ending or finish the game but I still loved playing it overall and will come back when its working!
dang I am very sorry the game didn't work for you, I'm glad you decided to try it out! I am working on trying to improve it and get it working better. Thank you so much for the comment!
Very good game, I love the unsettling atmosphere, my only complaint was on level 9 I walked up to the steering wheel, then the game froze, so I reloaded the page and lost all progress. This might just be a me problem though. Keep up the good work!
I am really sorry to hear that this happened, that is incredibly frustrating. I am glad you still had a decent experience besides that, I am trying to work out as many of the bugs as I can. Did it crash while playing the web version or the downloadable version?
definitely! probably the most interesting unused content are a couple of monsters that didn't get implemented due to mechanic/time issues. I talk a little bit about some of the content that ultimately went unused in my YouTube video I made about the game! (link to the video in the game's description😬)
i have ideas for your game. first add an face fixer to be reconizeable by the other people on the boat. second add online to it so you can play with people and last is having chat for online and last for real is that you should add an object adder when you typed in mickey mouse
add in an easter egg if you type “mickey mouse” and everyones name will be there names from mickey mouse. and also add an secret if you press the boat and your be teleported to an street walk but apond walking from 1:32 the character will smile and will just automatly walk and for an 8 minintes the player goes insane and the players eyes fall out and or 3 minients until the face of normal happy mickey shows up with an background as an refrance as the video (sucide mouse.avi)
I was thinking that would be nice, I know the daytime part of the game would get annoying if you had to redo it multiple times. Thank you for the suggestion!
thank you so much for telling me, Im sorry it wasn't working :( do you mind if I ask some questions about it so I can understand it better? I cant seem to replicate the bug on my end, im assuming you played it in browser since the download isn't working. which browser did you use? and do you mind if I ask if you trying to play on windows or apple? or other?
okay again thank you for letting me know this is happening. I will be trying to get this resolved, and I hope I can get it working soon. I am sorry that this issue kept you from playing the game :( thank you for replying!
Hey I just uploaded a new version of the game and I am hoping it improved the lagyness or brokenness when playing the browser version. I also was able to successfully create a working (from my end) downloadable version which should cut lag out quite a bit. Just wanted to let you know!
Really good game! I had tons of fun playing it! Evading the different monsters and using deaths as lessons was really fun! Definitely interested in your other games!
Im sorry you had to endure that... Im trying to figure out what needs to be done to fix/improve it. but thanks for playing, im glad you enjoyed it for the most part! what is your channel name? ill watch your video!
Yah im not sure why this game wont work as an exported file. ive tried the process with other games ive made without any issue, yet this one refuses to cooperate. ill keep on trying to figure out the solution. thank you for the input!
regarding your end note about lagginess, I was having the same issue with browser games and what fixed it was enabling hardware acceleration in the settings
in the browser settings, there's generally a setting called "hardware acceleration" or "graphics acceleration" or something similar under the performance tab
This was a very good game that I'm currently editing a youtube video on. However I feel like, instead of the first half being quests and the second half being the survival portions, perhaps you could have it span multiple days instead of single. After repairing during the day, the first night segment takes place, then its day and you do fetch quests, night, day, etc etc.
Otherwise really good game, I'd legitimately consider buying a game in this style, its very... satisfying art-wise.
Only one flaw; the lantern being able to fully rotate 360 degrees bugs me for no reason, not a 'serious' bug but just thought i'd share that
Edit: uploaded the video and linking it here for free views
Oh I am so glad that you got it to work! I am excited to watch your video, but i want to know- did you have to play it in the web browser? I couldn't get the downloadable version to work on my computer and I assumed it was the same for everyone else. Im going to watch your video now!
Your video was so enjoyable to watch! thanks so much for playing! Im sorry you couldn't beat it on the hardest difficulty, i haven't either to be honest... and i feel bad that you tried every level of difficulty to try to find a different ending when there was none :( im thinking about putting a note in game that mentions that changing the difficulty will not result in a different ending. At least right now it doesn't.
I hope it really was fun to play and thanks for pointing out all the bugs you found, that is extremely helpful!
lol that's amazing. I'm a good sport tbh so no hard feelings. I'm glad you said there was no ending because I've felt the call to try it again just to "make sure."
I have been looking into this and understand what I have been doing wrong. What I have available to download are the files of the project, but I haven't posted a downloadable project that is actually playable. I'm very sorry about that, I didn't realize I was doing it wrong. However, now that I know how post a downloadable and playable project correctly, I have unfortunately been unable to produce one that works :(
I will keep working on trying to figure this out, I am really glad you brought this to my attention and I apologize that I don't have a good solution yet. Hopefully I will find the solution soon!
I realize this was 2 months ago but I finally got a downloadable version working! At least it seems to be working on my end. Im really sorry it took me so long... Just figured I would let you know!
Game looks great! but I can't get the download to work, and the web browser locks up during the tutorial. I would love to play this game. Please let me know when you get it fixed :)
I am very glad you pointed that out to me, I believe the issue is fixed and the game is playable again. I am so sorry about that! Please let me know if you have any further issues!
I would like to point out that I was using the Edge/Bing browser but when I installed the google chrome browser I didn't have any issues. (Still haven't played the game yet just prepping)
Good to know. When I checked out the game after you reported the issue, it froze up for me as well on my browser. As I mentioned before, I believe the issue is fixed now, but please do let me know if you encounter any issues when you do try it out!
Is interesting concept but I have a few problems A. My scroll button on my mouse is simply fucked, and it makes trying to paw through long dialogue absolutely painful, especially when it takes me ages to get to the bottom. Please either let the down button key do the same thing as well, or just chunk up dialogue that you can look through by pressing a button.
B. Within the underside of the ship, there are two different paths that one can take to go deeper within the ship. Unfortunately, when you enter them, one takes you right, and the other takes you left. This can be quite annoying as while you're trying to rush through, it is easy to accidentally jump to get to said part of the map and then immediately exit out. Of course, one could say that this is just a skill issue, and that I just have to get used to it, which i can agree. Overall, its kind of a more nitpicky thing, but i still consider it annoying, even if I don't have a solution for that problem.
C. After doing certain tasks, you may end up repeating it, even after you already have the items for sale. This basically means that redoing the tasks are pointless unless if you change to another difficulty. If this is not a glitch, then I recommend that there be benefits for doing said tasks after you have already obtained the item for sale, such as money perhaps?
D. Why is the same character model for Millie used for the cleaning staff? Is Millie supposed to be the name of said cleaning staff, or are they meant to be different characters?
Thanks for the input! I don't know if you were looking for a reply to these points, but here's my commentary on each of them just in case you were curious 😬
A. I'm sorry to hear about your scroll button, but even with a working scroll button you bring up a good point. I can definitely see the potential for frustration there especially from someone who is interested in seeing what the various characters are saying. I believe there are multiple solutions to this problem and I will look into it to making it a more enjoyable experience.
B. Concerning the two dark rooms within the hull of the ship and how easily you can accidentally walk out of them depending on which direction you are facing, I have experienced the exact same annoyance. I will try to figure out a way to address this issue, although I might not be very quick on fixing this. I feel like it would require a fairly creative solution. I'll think about it, but this one might remain unresolved for some time.
C. It sounds like what you are describing, having to redo tasks when the award is already available in the shop, is a glitch. Thanks for pointing this out, I will look into it and fix it as soon as I can!
D. You aren't the first person to be a bit confused by the name change of Millie the cleaning staff after the tutorial. Yes, the two characters are the same. Millie still recognizes Mike as a part of the crew (mostly), but does the new Mike recognize her? The same thing goes for the Captain- you might have noticed that something similar happened to his name when talking with him after the tutorial.
Again, I really appreciate the input! I hope all things considered it was still at least a little fun to play!
It was fun to play, and thank you for answering politely! Hopefully we will see more updates to this game for the lore and gameplay mechanics! Maybe we'll see more of what happens to the crew and passengers during the hours that pass?
I appreciate the compliment! I have been consistently updating the game in attempts to improve the experience as much as possible. I was able to just publish a version that should fix the issue with the scroll bars. And maybe we will see more about the passengers... maybe.
Thank you so much for trying the game out! I enjoyed watching your video, I appreciate you posting a playthrough of it, it allows me to see all the problems that need fixing. Again, thanks a ton! you are awesome!
I just finished playing the game last night and thought I'd leave a comment. It sometimes would freeze when fixing a leak, but the game itself was smooth otherwise.
While rough, I did like the choice to combine background stills from the original short with the newer drawn characters. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it made me feel something was "off". A kind of atmosphere that you recognize but can't help but shake off the feeling that something is wrong. When combined with the night time levels, this really excels at making you feel the suffocating darkness of the ship. Even the area with the 3D effect was done well enough that I could believe it was connected to its source material.
The missions, while basic, helped kind of break up the monotony of searching around the ship for holes, and I do think the passengers all had their own little personalities shown in full. I enjoy that some people do comment about how unnaturally chipper Mike looks, with even the Cleaning Maid's dialogue about noticing that Mick is acting off was a nice touch.
If I did have to nitpick, I'm not really sure what the point of whatever kills Mick in the tutorial is. Is it a parasite or a monster that takes over his body? Does it have any significance to the other monsters on board? That being said, you did address it in an earlier comment before.
My understanding of the story is that the briefcase the trombone player (they're evil, just like in real life) asked Mike to smash is the cause of the monsters on board and would have to be present during the tutorial, and as the day progresses, more people are either mutated or killed off. All until it's just "Mike" trying to keep the boat afloat until he escapes.
(or maybe the lore were the repairs we made along the way)
Second, the music can get repetitive since it's a sort of static ambience that doesn't vary or alter. It helped especially during the night portion of the game, but during the earlier segments, it's a little grating when you're running to fix leaks or talk to passengers for 5 levels in and you still hear that eerie noise.
Overall, I enjoyed my time playing it and I think it's a pretty good short experience! You did an amazing job here and I think this is a better Steamboat Willie horror game than the others that we've gotten since it hit public domain. For not having a clear vision of what you wanted to do, I think it's still a fun game for what it is and would love to see the ideas expanded upon if you ever did want to return to it.
This is an excellent comment, thank you for not only taking the time to play the game, but to also write out your input in this message!
While most of the artistic praise you give the game was either unintentional or accidental due to pure laziness on my part, I will pretend that it was all the product of my magnificent vision for the end result. Thank you a ton for the compliments 😁
I did notice the lag when viewing others as they played and I have made efforts to fix it. But I think I failed, the game just isn't very well optimized unfortunately and I take full responsibility for that. I have learned a lot from this project.
I'm sure you wrote this comment without needing to hear any kind of justification or excuse for the less than stellar decisions made on this project, but I figured you might be curious to learn more about the scene at the ending to the tutorial. You are right, the ending where mickey gets got doesn't seem to add much to the game from the player's eyes. It does have relevance to the story, but as you noticed from a previous comment, that part of the story doesn't really hold water. The main reasons it exists are to make the tutorial more interesting, to set a basic understanding of what the game is going to be like, and to (hopefully) spook the player a bit 😬 Other than those reasons, I completely stand with you and agree that that part of the game seems out of place and does not fit very well into the story. It is the product of laziness for sure haha.
As far as the repetitive music goes, I think what you might be referring to is a bug that causes a stressing ambience track to play on repeat that should not be playing. I first noticed this bug while watching the playthrough by Gifeye on YouTube (, where the stressful sounding static ambiance (as you put it) can be heard throughout the entire game. Is this the repetitive music you are referring to? I have not been able to reproduce this bug, but I will work on trying to find out what is happening. If this is not what you experienced and it was the other soundtracks in the game that were getting repetitive, then I sincerely apologize... I am still trying to learn how to make good sounding music💀
I want to thank you again for playing the game and spending the time to write out a review with your commentary on the game, it means a lot to me and I love reading input from people about my projects! I am very glad that you enjoyed it despite it's many shortcomings!
side note- you pointed out that trombonists in real life are evil and I wanted to confirm this. I myself have witnessed their evil nature first hand as I played the trombone for several years in the past
Thanks for the response! I appreciate the time taken to reply back to me, and I apologize for not going too in depth about the ambience bug. That is the repetitive music I was referring too, as during the day levels, it helps create a sort of unnerving air, but after three levels or so, it becomes annoying in a way. That's my opinion though, everyone's is different!
But again, thank you for the gameplay experience! I love the game still, flaws and all.
I dislike that we play as some sort of parasite that took over Mickey, rather than playing as Mickey himself avoiding the creatures and hopefully escaping from the ship or something like that. The parasite could've been Mickey without any problems, considering that it doesn't acts as some evil being and also knows to write and acts "normal" as well, without any implication that the parasite is responsible for the deaths of the people at board.
You make really good points here, there are some major plot holes. I think the main factor that led to this is that I didn't have a clear enough vision for what I wanted the game to be from the start, and that caused the end result to be a mix of ideas that when under closer inspection don't make much sense. I appreciate the input! I hope it was at least a little fun to play!
← Return to game
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Browser version runs perfectly! but the downloadable version crashes when i go in the basement area
Thank you so much for telling me! that is so weird... and for a lot of other people the downloadable version works perfectly and the browser version is broken. ill look into this!
Loved the game! it was extremely fun! found a small bug where you can basically get an infinite amount of money from the repairs by going back and fourth between the screens, as some of the cracks seem to reappear. Other then that i had no issues, great game!
I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it and it worked well for you! This makes me very happy to hear! And thank you for telling me about that bug!
Very awesome!!
With all the new Mickey Mouse junk becoming public domain you should make a sequel :3
Aw thanks!! im so happy it worked for you and that you enjoyed it!
I think if I were to do more with this game, it would probably just be adding more content to it. But I have several other cool games I am excited to finish and release!!
You are awesome, thanks for playing!
yo I got a new computer I can finally play
Amazing game luke. I actually mean it, btw, what happened to the "The bathening/Adipocere"? I'm really looking forward to it. I appreciate the effort.
Aw this comment made my day!! I am so happy you enjoyed it!
Don't worry, Adipocere is still happening! I just want to put extra time into its development to make sure its an enjoyable and good game. I am so glad you are still interested!!
That's great to hear! Keep up the good work Luke! And don't rush yourself
Game is literally just a blackscreen for me
dang im sorry its not working for you :( do you mind if I ask a couple of questions about it? did you try to play from the browser or the downloadable version? if from the browser, which browser are you using? and if from the downloadable version, which of the two versions (Windows or Mac)? and the game wont load up anything at all, just a black screen? does it play music?
I played both the browser version and the downloadable version, i'm on windows and using opera GX. the game does play sounds and music.
and it never worked at all no matter which version?
i am really sorry to hear about this, but thank you so much for telling me. it honestly sounds like a bug i encountered with the newer version a while ago, but you shouldn't be experiencing this with the current version.
while i try to figure out what what this issue is, I would recommend trying to play the browser version with a different browser other than Opera GX, maybe chrome? I dont know if that would fix the issue, but it might be worth a try if you really wanted to play the game. again, i am very sorry that its not working for you 😥
i found the little secret but i don't wanna spoil it for anyone but here's a picture
... so far i haven't seen anyone on YT find it either. (UPD: downloading the game doesn't run well for me, must be an issue on my end but it runs well if i just run it off the page)
wow i think you are the first person to find this lol good job!! also that is weird that the browser version works for you but the downloaded version doesn't, thank you for telling me about it and I'm glad you were able to play it just fine!
I wanna play the game but I can't download it because my chromebook expired in 2018, and if I use the web version it takes forever to load. Can you help me? Also, the game has an error and says that i don't have the godot items to play the game. Anyways that is enough of my yapping. bye
dang Im sorry. I have been trying to figure out how to make the load times quicker, im sorry that you haven't been able to play it!
the only problem I have is that when I restore or run the game (On web) It says that the Godot items to run the project are missing
ill see if i can help. what browser are you trying to play it on? also are you saying that you only have a mac to download it on?
I use a Chromebook normally. So I can't download it lol.
I attempted to open the 'Mudmyth Sound (Application)' and it says that the file [shown in picture] is "damaged" [Corrupted, not correctly downloaded/transferred over to the pc], and the Mudmyth Terminal script kinda just.. quits itself after a few seconds of being open [shown in second picture].

Thanks for attempting to make it compatible for Mac users! [Unless its just my mac and it has a skill issue].
dang it. i don't believe you are the first person to try playing it from a mac, but you are the first person to tell me whether it works or not (in this case, not). i was worried something like this would happen 😥i will look further into this and see what i can do to get it working. thank you so much for telling me about this!
Hello!! My name is Demonic. I'm a big fan of your work and I recently went to play your game!! Though, I came across a glitch few minutes ago. Around level 5, I bought the strongest light that was possible at the shop. Everything was fine until level 9 started. The light went extremely bright and I couldn't move this part of the map (Image down below). This would go on for quite a while and it is quite annoying. Other than this bug, I really enjoy the game!! I'll play it more eventually :)
that is very strange 🤔 this is the first time i have seen this one! I will look into this and see if I can get it fixed, thank you so much for telling me about it!! Im glad you were enjoying the game, even with all the bugs. You are awesome!
Your welcome!! And please, I'm not as awesome as you!! I'm working on few personal games/projects myself and you are definitely better!!
I need help. I am a wuss and I need to know what level is it that the monsters attack the player, day or night. And also what level is it when you have to fix the boat at night
its okay! not including the caterpillar in the tutorial, the monsters wont come to attack you until after level 5, and the night time part of the game starts at level 5 and goes until level 10 😁I hope this helps and you get to try it out!
am I supposed to die on the tutorial...
Yes... What happened instead??
ohhh phew, I just thought I had a massive skill issue! i'm going to steel my nerves and come back to this game since the mannequin in lvl 2 freaked me out so much
I watched your video and played the game, it is all just incredibly good and well done and i hope your depression can heal or if you can find help.
But what i wanted to say is that i think that you could do a sequel or if a sequel just doesn't fit which i totally understand you could maybe do a similar kind of game, and in that game you could include some of the artwork that you didn't use for this one, i really liked some of that unused artwork and i loved the game and the video, keep up this great work.
I know that i already wrote this message but i realised that i replied on a comment instead of doing a comment myself.
Thank you so much for the comments, the compliments, and the well wishes ❤ you are awesome! I've had quite a few people show interest in a sequel. to be honest I don't think I would make a sequel to this game per se, but instead what I might do is after fixing some of the buggy game mechanics, i could change the gameplay up a little, add some new things to the game, add new monsters, maybe add a new game mode or two, then publish that as an extended version.
I just want you to know that without comments like these, I would never even consider making any kind of sequel to this game, so thank you so much for telling me this!
hey. dev. you are awesome your games are awesome this one is VERY AWESOME! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Aw no thank you! you are awesome!
I watched your video and played the game, it is all just incredibly good and well done and i hope your depression can heal or if you can find help.
But what i wanted to say is that i think that you could do a sequel or if a sequel just doesn't fit which i totally understand you could maybe do a similar kind of game, and in that game you could include some of the artwork that you didn't use for this one, i loved the game and the video, keep up this great work.
Aw thanks for the comment and the compliments ❤
Hey, its me again!
I wanted to say how I was able to play through the entire game this time round and I got the "no lore, lore page" and was quite annoyed at that but found it funny lol
I played it on the browser again and it functioned nearly perfectly the only thing I noticed was when you break the mannequin it freezes the game quite a lot but then it goes back to normal.
I also found a bug where if you jump into the BOW staircase and the grabby hand is above you it makes mike disappear but you don't go anywhere and it soft locks the game.
I know this is an older version so this is probably irrelevant but figured I'd say something incase it becomes an issue in later versions or something.
Main thing though is im glad I could come back and finish the game!
I am so glad you were able to come back and finish the game as well! I'm sorry I had to return it back to an earlier version to get it to work properly for you, hopefully I can figure out what was messing up the newest version.
I don't know if I mentioned this already, but if you wanted to see/read all the different potential randomized endings, you can find them on a post I made to my YouTube channel, here is a link to the page with the post on it:
Also, the downloadable version is the newer version with the endings, so If you can get the downloadable version to work, then you should be able to get the endings that way.
Thank you so much for taking the time to return to this game and give it another chance! You are awesome!
Suggestion: make the downloads able to be used by mac users [.dmg]
In the title screen if I press W it crashes as if I'm taking out the lamp, along with taking out the lamp in the tutorial it crashes [I am on opera]. If I go into the hull in the tut it crashes.
I was able to go to the part that wasn't 'The Beginning' [The Rest] without even getting past the tutorial.
Also, what did you use to draw everything?
I made all of the art for this game using Gimp.
Dang I am really sorry that the game isn't working. I will see if I can make a downloadable version for mac. I have been told by others that the web version for opera has issues, I think I will include that in the description. Thank you so much for letting me know about this, again I am sorry that you had a less than positive experience with it :(
i dont recommend oprea gx cus the laturn might leg the game
I think the lantern is definitely one of the issues :/ I'm sorry you were having trouble with it. Thank you for letting me know!
I really enjoyed this game! I saw the video you made on it a few months ago and finally decided to Play/make a video on it!
I played through the browser because I couldn't get the either of the downloads to work sadly.
I had No issues playing it until levels 8-9 It started lagging very badly and every time I would repair something it would make the lagging worse.
Eventually the game froze and wouldn't work towards me finishing up level 9 so I never got to level 10 but I assume it would've been the same issues on that level as well.
Kind of sad I never got to see an ending or finish the game but I still loved playing it overall and will come back when its working!
dang I am very sorry the game didn't work for you, I'm glad you decided to try it out! I am working on trying to improve it and get it working better. Thank you so much for the comment!
It's very underrated game, the character design is insane and i enjoyed the gameplay. Good job and keep up!
Thank you so much! This comment made my day!❤
Very good game, I love the unsettling atmosphere, my only complaint was on level 9 I walked up to the steering wheel, then the game froze, so I reloaded the page and lost all progress. This might just be a me problem though. Keep up the good work!
I am really sorry to hear that this happened, that is incredibly frustrating. I am glad you still had a decent experience besides that, I am trying to work out as many of the bugs as I can. Did it crash while playing the web version or the downloadable version?
is there unused stuff?
definitely! probably the most interesting unused content are a couple of monsters that didn't get implemented due to mechanic/time issues. I talk a little bit about some of the content that ultimately went unused in my YouTube video I made about the game! (link to the video in the game's description😬)
i have ideas for your game. first add an face fixer to be reconizeable by the other people on the boat. second add online to it so you can play with people and last is having chat for online and last for real is that you should add an object adder when you typed in mickey mouse
Thanks for the suggestions! I like your ideas!
add in an easter egg if you type “mickey mouse” and everyones name will be there names from mickey mouse. and also add an secret if you press the boat and your be teleported to an street walk but apond walking from 1:32 the character will smile and will just automatly walk and for an 8 minintes the player goes insane and the players eyes fall out and or 3 minients until the face of normal happy mickey shows up with an background as an refrance as the video (sucide mouse.avi)
can you please make a saving feature
I was thinking that would be nice, I know the daytime part of the game would get annoying if you had to redo it multiple times. Thank you for the suggestion!
thank you!!
Crashes in tutorial when "W" is pressed
thank you so much for telling me, Im sorry it wasn't working :( do you mind if I ask some questions about it so I can understand it better? I cant seem to replicate the bug on my end, im assuming you played it in browser since the download isn't working. which browser did you use? and do you mind if I ask if you trying to play on windows or apple? or other?
I used opera and I play on mac as of current
It just freezes
okay again thank you for letting me know this is happening. I will be trying to get this resolved, and I hope I can get it working soon. I am sorry that this issue kept you from playing the game :( thank you for replying!
Hey I just uploaded a new version of the game and I am hoping it improved the lagyness or brokenness when playing the browser version. I also was able to successfully create a working (from my end) downloadable version which should cut lag out quite a bit. Just wanted to let you know!
Really good game! I had tons of fun playing it! Evading the different monsters and using deaths as lessons was really fun! Definitely interested in your other games!
I am so happy to hear you enjoyed it!! this comment made my night, thank you for the encouragement!
Awesome game! Freaked me out quite a bit. But how do you get the different endings?
Oh no! I was just about to add them in, Im sorry! they will just show up as lore stories on the end screen, and they will just cycle through randomly.
Thank you so much!
Nice game! was so good I made a YT video on it, but on the side of lagginess, I just endured...
Im sorry you had to endure that... Im trying to figure out what needs to be done to fix/improve it. but thanks for playing, im glad you enjoyed it for the most part! what is your channel name? ill watch your video!
@CODEX_EXISTS The intro and ending was cringe by me :P
Normally i'm not scared of horror games, but this freaked me out for some reason lmao
(Btw, I think you need to export the exe file in a dif way to get it to work! Idk tho I don't use godot lmao)
I am so happy that you enjoyed it!
Yah im not sure why this game wont work as an exported file. ive tried the process with other games ive made without any issue, yet this one refuses to cooperate. ill keep on trying to figure out the solution. thank you for the input!
regarding your end note about lagginess, I was having the same issue with browser games and what fixed it was enabling hardware acceleration in the settings
I would love to hear about any potential solution. what settings are you referring to exactly?
in the browser settings, there's generally a setting called "hardware acceleration" or "graphics acceleration" or something similar under the performance tab
Okay this is great to know, thank you so much!
Otherwise really good game, I'd legitimately consider buying a game in this style, its very... satisfying art-wise.
Only one flaw; the lantern being able to fully rotate 360 degrees bugs me for no reason, not a 'serious' bug but just thought i'd share that
Edit: uploaded the video and linking it here for free views
Hey thanks for the compliments, feedback, and for trying out the game! you have some good input, and im going to watch your video!
This is very good
Im glad you enjoyed it! thank you for trying it out and leaving a comment!
This is actually not that bad!
Haha, im happy to have exceeded your expectations 😬 thanks for trying it out!
Sorry it took so long to get a video up (life do be happening) I did find a few bugs. Honestly, a great game all around but I NEED the lore lol
Oh I am so glad that you got it to work! I am excited to watch your video, but i want to know- did you have to play it in the web browser? I couldn't get the downloadable version to work on my computer and I assumed it was the same for everyone else. Im going to watch your video now!
yes, I played it in the browser
Your video was so enjoyable to watch! thanks so much for playing! Im sorry you couldn't beat it on the hardest difficulty, i haven't either to be honest... and i feel bad that you tried every level of difficulty to try to find a different ending when there was none :( im thinking about putting a note in game that mentions that changing the difficulty will not result in a different ending. At least right now it doesn't.
I hope it really was fun to play and thanks for pointing out all the bugs you found, that is extremely helpful!
lol that's amazing. I'm a good sport tbh so no hard feelings. I'm glad you said there was no ending because I've felt the call to try it again just to "make sure."
I really wanted to play it but can't download it as it just goes to web html indexes. Hope it gets fixed
Thank you for letting me know about this, I will try to get this fixed as soon as possible. Does playing it in browser not work?
I have been looking into this and understand what I have been doing wrong. What I have available to download are the files of the project, but I haven't posted a downloadable project that is actually playable. I'm very sorry about that, I didn't realize I was doing it wrong. However, now that I know how post a downloadable and playable project correctly, I have unfortunately been unable to produce one that works :(
I will keep working on trying to figure this out, I am really glad you brought this to my attention and I apologize that I don't have a good solution yet. Hopefully I will find the solution soon!
Awesome :)
I realize this was 2 months ago but I finally got a downloadable version working! At least it seems to be working on my end. Im really sorry it took me so long... Just figured I would let you know!
Thank you I haven't been playing games for 2 months on here so will try it out when I have a moment good job in getting it to work <3
Game looks great! but I can't get the download to work, and the web browser locks up during the tutorial. I would love to play this game. Please let me know when you get it fixed :)
That's weird... I haven't had any issues with this so far, I'm going to see if I can get this fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me know!
I am very glad you pointed that out to me, I believe the issue is fixed and the game is playable again. I am so sorry about that! Please let me know if you have any further issues!
Hey no problem! it happens. Can't wait to play this later tonight
I would like to point out that I was using the Edge/Bing browser but when I installed the google chrome browser I didn't have any issues. (Still haven't played the game yet just prepping)
Good to know. When I checked out the game after you reported the issue, it froze up for me as well on my browser. As I mentioned before, I believe the issue is fixed now, but please do let me know if you encounter any issues when you do try it out!
Is interesting concept but I have a few problems
A. My scroll button on my mouse is simply fucked, and it makes trying to paw through long dialogue absolutely painful, especially when it takes me ages to get to the bottom. Please either let the down button key do the same thing as well, or just chunk up dialogue that you can look through by pressing a button.
B. Within the underside of the ship, there are two different paths that one can take to go deeper within the ship. Unfortunately, when you enter them, one takes you right, and the other takes you left. This can be quite annoying as while you're trying to rush through, it is easy to accidentally jump to get to said part of the map and then immediately exit out. Of course, one could say that this is just a skill issue, and that I just have to get used to it, which i can agree. Overall, its kind of a more nitpicky thing, but i still consider it annoying, even if I don't have a solution for that problem.
C. After doing certain tasks, you may end up repeating it, even after you already have the items for sale. This basically means that redoing the tasks are pointless unless if you change to another difficulty. If this is not a glitch, then I recommend that there be benefits for doing said tasks after you have already obtained the item for sale, such as money perhaps?
D. Why is the same character model for Millie used for the cleaning staff? Is Millie supposed to be the name of said cleaning staff, or are they meant to be different characters?
Thanks for the input! I don't know if you were looking for a reply to these points, but here's my commentary on each of them just in case you were curious 😬
A. I'm sorry to hear about your scroll button, but even with a working scroll button you bring up a good point. I can definitely see the potential for frustration there especially from someone who is interested in seeing what the various characters are saying. I believe there are multiple solutions to this problem and I will look into it to making it a more enjoyable experience.
B. Concerning the two dark rooms within the hull of the ship and how easily you can accidentally walk out of them depending on which direction you are facing, I have experienced the exact same annoyance. I will try to figure out a way to address this issue, although I might not be very quick on fixing this. I feel like it would require a fairly creative solution. I'll think about it, but this one might remain unresolved for some time.
C. It sounds like what you are describing, having to redo tasks when the award is already available in the shop, is a glitch. Thanks for pointing this out, I will look into it and fix it as soon as I can!
D. You aren't the first person to be a bit confused by the name change of Millie the cleaning staff after the tutorial. Yes, the two characters are the same. Millie still recognizes Mike as a part of the crew (mostly), but does the new Mike recognize her? The same thing goes for the Captain- you might have noticed that something similar happened to his name when talking with him after the tutorial.
Again, I really appreciate the input! I hope all things considered it was still at least a little fun to play!
It was fun to play, and thank you for answering politely! Hopefully we will see more updates to this game for the lore and gameplay mechanics! Maybe we'll see more of what happens to the crew and passengers during the hours that pass?
I appreciate the compliment! I have been consistently updating the game in attempts to improve the experience as much as possible. I was able to just publish a version that should fix the issue with the scroll bars. And maybe we will see more about the passengers... maybe.
Thank you again for the input!
I loved watching your video!! Thank you for trying it out and posting about it!
Your video was so enjoyable to watch! Thanks for playing it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
Thank you so much for trying the game out! I enjoyed watching your video, I appreciate you posting a playthrough of it, it allows me to see all the problems that need fixing. Again, thanks a ton! you are awesome!
I just finished playing the game last night and thought I'd leave a comment. It sometimes would freeze when fixing a leak, but the game itself was smooth otherwise.
While rough, I did like the choice to combine background stills from the original short with the newer drawn characters. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it made me feel something was "off". A kind of atmosphere that you recognize but can't help but shake off the feeling that something is wrong. When combined with the night time levels, this really excels at making you feel the suffocating darkness of the ship. Even the area with the 3D effect was done well enough that I could believe it was connected to its source material.
The missions, while basic, helped kind of break up the monotony of searching around the ship for holes, and I do think the passengers all had their own little personalities shown in full. I enjoy that some people do comment about how unnaturally chipper Mike looks, with even the Cleaning Maid's dialogue about noticing that Mick is acting off was a nice touch.
If I did have to nitpick, I'm not really sure what the point of whatever kills Mick in the tutorial is. Is it a parasite or a monster that takes over his body? Does it have any significance to the other monsters on board? That being said, you did address it in an earlier comment before.
My understanding of the story is that the briefcase the trombone player (they're evil, just like in real life) asked Mike to smash is the cause of the monsters on board and would have to be present during the tutorial, and as the day progresses, more people are either mutated or killed off. All until it's just "Mike" trying to keep the boat afloat until he escapes.
(or maybe the lore were the repairs we made along the way)
Second, the music can get repetitive since it's a sort of static ambience that doesn't vary or alter. It helped especially during the night portion of the game, but during the earlier segments, it's a little grating when you're running to fix leaks or talk to passengers for 5 levels in and you still hear that eerie noise.
Overall, I enjoyed my time playing it and I think it's a pretty good short experience! You did an amazing job here and I think this is a better Steamboat Willie horror game than the others that we've gotten since it hit public domain. For not having a clear vision of what you wanted to do, I think it's still a fun game for what it is and would love to see the ideas expanded upon if you ever did want to return to it.
This is an excellent comment, thank you for not only taking the time to play the game, but to also write out your input in this message!
While most of the artistic praise you give the game was either unintentional or accidental due to pure laziness on my part, I will pretend that it was all the product of my magnificent vision for the end result. Thank you a ton for the compliments 😁
I did notice the lag when viewing others as they played and I have made efforts to fix it. But I think I failed, the game just isn't very well optimized unfortunately and I take full responsibility for that. I have learned a lot from this project.
I'm sure you wrote this comment without needing to hear any kind of justification or excuse for the less than stellar decisions made on this project, but I figured you might be curious to learn more about the scene at the ending to the tutorial. You are right, the ending where mickey gets got doesn't seem to add much to the game from the player's eyes. It does have relevance to the story, but as you noticed from a previous comment, that part of the story doesn't really hold water. The main reasons it exists are to make the tutorial more interesting, to set a basic understanding of what the game is going to be like, and to (hopefully) spook the player a bit 😬 Other than those reasons, I completely stand with you and agree that that part of the game seems out of place and does not fit very well into the story. It is the product of laziness for sure haha.
As far as the repetitive music goes, I think what you might be referring to is a bug that causes a stressing ambience track to play on repeat that should not be playing. I first noticed this bug while watching the playthrough by Gifeye on YouTube (, where the stressful sounding static ambiance (as you put it) can be heard throughout the entire game. Is this the repetitive music you are referring to? I have not been able to reproduce this bug, but I will work on trying to find out what is happening. If this is not what you experienced and it was the other soundtracks in the game that were getting repetitive, then I sincerely apologize... I am still trying to learn how to make good sounding music💀
I want to thank you again for playing the game and spending the time to write out a review with your commentary on the game, it means a lot to me and I love reading input from people about my projects! I am very glad that you enjoyed it despite it's many shortcomings!
side note- you pointed out that trombonists in real life are evil and I wanted to confirm this. I myself have witnessed their evil nature first hand as I played the trombone for several years in the past
Thanks for the response! I appreciate the time taken to reply back to me, and I apologize for not going too in depth about the ambience bug. That is the repetitive music I was referring too, as during the day levels, it helps create a sort of unnerving air, but after three levels or so, it becomes annoying in a way. That's my opinion though, everyone's is different!
But again, thank you for the gameplay experience! I love the game still, flaws and all.
I dislike that we play as some sort of parasite that took over Mickey, rather than playing as Mickey himself avoiding the creatures and hopefully escaping from the ship or something like that.
The parasite could've been Mickey without any problems, considering that it doesn't acts as some evil being and also knows to write and acts "normal" as well, without any implication that the parasite is responsible for the deaths of the people at board.
You make really good points here, there are some major plot holes. I think the main factor that led to this is that I didn't have a clear enough vision for what I wanted the game to be from the start, and that caused the end result to be a mix of ideas that when under closer inspection don't make much sense. I appreciate the input! I hope it was at least a little fun to play!